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“'BE the change you want to see in the world"

Jodie Sellers


Jodie came to her first yoga class as a student looking for an awesome strong workout and received a life life changing experience. Signing up for teacher training almost straight away she fell in love with yoga in its many forms. Jodie's passion for her practice lead her to India, where she experienced different types of yoga lineages. She received her teacher training from Power Living Australia, where she has established her teaching. 

With a background in Psychology and Health, foundations in movement, and a passion for sharing, Jodie creates an enthusiastic, dynamic and creative approach to teaching yoga, which is evident the moment you step into her class. She takes you on an authentic yet challenging journey to experience how our yoga practice can be a unique and a powerful tool to help connect with ones self on a deeper level. You can be sure to get your body moving, flowing with breath and a vibrant smile!

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I created and facilitated a yoga program in partnership with Stride for a few schools in QLD and SA in remote areas. Many of the children were from Indigenous backgrounds which showed me how powerful a yoga practice can really be no matter what spiritual beliefs you have, what age you are and where you come from.

What are your goals for 2016 and beyond?
To reach over 1 million people with our message to 'save the BEES' by living in a sustainable way. Empowering others to make a difference in their lives through sharing health information and our nutrient dense products and therefore, supporting ALL BEEings to enjoy a better quality and fulfilled life!

How would you describe your first yoga experience?

You wont believe this, BUT, I actually did not enjoy my first Yoga Practise. I found it very challenging but of course the challenge drew me back. I learnt that yoga was much more than the asana 'the poses'. I fell in love with the philosophy, and way of being. It will always be part of my life as for me, it can be the only constant in my 'sometimes' turbulent world. When life flows up and down a yoga practice is always there to support, ground and reconnect me.


Who has influenced you most in your life?

Hippocrates.  Not that I ever met the guy, :) but his words endured time. 'Let Food Be Thy Medicine', a philosophy I live my life by. Studying Naturopathy, It is amazing to see how effective connecting with nature and using natures gifts of flora and fauna are, when healing and replenishing the mind and body.


If you had one super power, what would it be?

The ability to be as flexible as Claudine, and as strong as Honza.  Combined, that would make THE best super hero EVER haha Let's be honest, we each have a super power within- I feel it just takes a life time to REALLY get to know it!! 

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